Index of my Identifiers

@ : My details are old and unmaintained.
‡ : I hope to revise this font.

3270 1.042 ‡

AccanthisADFStdNo3 2.001
Alegreya 2.002
AlegreyaSans 2.003
AerialMono 1.001
Aerial 1.002
Andika 1.003
antpolt 2.004
Arimo 1.004
AtkinsonHyperlegible 3.008

Baekmuk-Batang 1.016 ‡
Baekmuk-Dotum 1.017 ‡
Baekmuk-Gulim 1.018 ‡
Bandal 1.019 ‡
Bangwool 1.020 ‡
BaskervaldADFStd 2.008
BerenisADFPro 2.009
bkai00mp 1.005 ‡
bsai00lp 1.006 ‡

Caladea 2.010
Carlito 2.011
Cantarell 1.021
CascadiaCode 3.009
CascadiaMono 3.010
CharisSIL 1.022
CommonSerif 3.007
Cousine 1.023 ‡

DejaVuSans 1.024
DejaVuSansMono 1.025
DejaVuSerif 1.026
DoulosSIL 1.027
DroidSansFallback 1.028
DroidSansMono 2.012

EBGaramond 2.013

FandolFang 3.021
FandolHei 1.029
FandolKai 3.001
FandolSong 1.030
FanwoodText 2.014
fireflysung 1.008
FreeFarsi 1.031 @
FreeFarsi-Monospace 1.032 @
FreeMono 1.033
FreeSans 1.034
FreeSerif 1.035

Gelasio 2.015
GilliusADFNo2 2.016
GoudyBookletter1911 2.017
GentiumPlus 1.036
gbsn00lp 1.009
gkai00mp 1.006
Go 3.012
Go-Mono 3.011
Guseul 1.037 ‡

Hack 3.004
HanaMinA 1.038
HanaMinB 1.039
HanaMinC 3.022
Harmattan 1.040 @
Homa 1.041 @

IMFeENrm28P 2.018
Inconsolata 1.043
IntelOneMono 2.013
ipaexg 1.044 ‡
ipaexm 1.045 ‡

JetBrainsMono 3.005
Junicode 2.019

KacstOne 1.046 @
kochi-gothic-subst 1.047 ‡
kochi-mincho-subst 1.048 ‡

Lateef 1.049 @
Lato 2.023
LiberationMono 1.050
LiberationSans 1.051
LiberationSerif 1.052
LibertinusSans 3.006
LibertinusSerif 1.053
LibertinusMono 1.054
LibreBaskerville 2.024
LibreBodoni 2.025
LindenHill 2.026
lmmono 2.020 ‡
lmroman 2.021
lmsans 2.022
Lohit-Assamese 1.055 @
Lohit-Bengali 1.056 @
Lohit-Devanagari 1.057 @
Lohit-Gujarati 1.058 @
Lohit-Kannada 1.059 @
Lohit-Malayalam 1.060 @
Lohit-Marathi 1.061 @
Lohit-Oriya 1.062 @
Lohit-Punjabi 1.063 @
Lohit-Tamil 1.064 @
Lohit-Telugu 1.065 @
luximr 1.066
luxirr 1.067
luxisr 1.068

Merriweather 2.027
MerriweatherSans 2.028

NanumGothic 1.069 ‡
NanumMyeongjo 1.070 ‡
Nazli 1.071 @
NeoGothisADFStd 2.029
NimbusMono 2.030 ‡
NimbusRomNo9L 2.031
NimbusSanL 2.032
NotoEmoji 1.072 @
NotoKufiArabic 1.073 @
NotoNaskhArabic 1.074 @
NotoNataliqUrdu 1.075 @
NotoSans 1.076
NotoSansArmenian 1.077 @
NotoSansBengali 1.078 @
NotoSansCanadianAboriginal 1.079 @
NotoSansCherokee 1.080 @
NotoSansCJKhk 3.020
NotoSansCJKjp 1.081
NotoSansCJKkr 1.082
NotoSansCJKsc 1.083
NotoSansCJKtc 1.084
NotoSansDevanagari 1.085 @
NotoSansEthiopic 1.086 @
NotoSansGeorgian 1.087 @
NotoSansGujarati 1.088 @
NotoSansGurmukhi 1.089 @
NotoSansHebrew 1.090 @
NotoSansKannada 1.091 @
NotoSansKhmer 1.092 @
NotoSansLao 1.093 @
NotoSansMalayalam 1.094 @
NotoSansMongolian 1.095 @
NotoSansMono 3.003 ‡
NotoSansMonoCJKjp 1.096
NotoSansMonoCJKkr 1.097
NotoSansMonoCJKsc 1.098
NotoSansMonoCJKtc 1.099
NotoSansMyanmar 1.100 @
NotoSansOriya 1.101 @
NotoSansSinhala 1.102 @
NotoSansSymbols 1.103 @
NotoSansSyriacEastern 1.104 @
NotoSansTamil 1.105 @
NotoSansTelugu 1.106 @
NotoSansThaana 1.107 @
NotoSansThai 1.108 @
NotoSansTibetan 1.109 @
NotoSansTifinagh 1.110 @
NotoSansVai 1.111 @
NotoSansYi 1.112 @
NotoSerif 1.113
NotoSerifArmenian 1.114 @
NotoSerifCJKhk 3.019
NotoSerifCJKjp 3.016
NotoSerifCJKkr 3.017
NotoSerifCJKsc 3.015
NotoSerifCJKtc 3.018
NotoSerifGeorgian 1.115 @
NotoSerifKhmer 1.116 @
NotoSerifLao 1.117 @
NotoSerifThai 1.118 @

odokai 2.005
odosung 2.006
odosungmono 2.007
OFLGoudyStM 2.033
OldStandard 2.034
OpenDyslexic 3.014
OpenSans 2.035
Oxygen 1.120
OxygenMono 1.119 ‡

PadaukBook 1.121 @
Padauk 1.122 @
Prociono 2.036
PTMono 2.037
PTSans 2.038
PTSerif 2.039
PublicSans 3.002

Roboto 2.040 ‡
RomandeADFStd 2.041

sawarabi-gothic 1.123 ‡
sawarabi-mincho 1.124 ‡
Scheherazade 1.125 @
SourceCodePro 2.042
SourceSans3 2.043
SourceSerif4 2.044

TerminusTTF 1.126
texgyreadventor 2.045
texgyrebonum 2.046
texgyrecursor 2.047 ‡
texgyreheros 2.048
texgyrepagella 2.049
texgyreschola 2.050
texgyretermes 2.051
Tinos 1.127
TribunADFStd 2.052
Tymes 1.128

Ubuntu 1.129
UbuntuMono 1.130
UKaiCN 1.010
UKaiHK 1.011 ‡
UKaiTW 1.012 ‡
ume-hgo4 1.131
ume-tmo3 1.132
ume-ugo4 1.133
UMingCN 1.013
UMingHK 1.014 ‡
UMingTW 1.015 ‡
UniversalisADFStd 2.053
UnBatang 1.134 ‡
UnDotum 1.135 ‡
UnGraphic 1.136 ‡

Veranda 1.137
VL-Gothic 1.138
Vollkorn 2.054

WenQuanYiZenHei 1.139
WenQuanYiZenHeiMono 1.140