This page links to a mix of things:
Bash or perl scripts, data about Unicode, data about some non-Unicode
labels (for when trying to find which Small Caps are in a font)
Shell scripts, etc.
A well as my standard templates which I cut down to create the languages
and sc files,I also have other working templates to look at italics and small
cap italics, or to attempt to determine if a font which supports Korean Hangul
also appears to support the Hanza glyphs which are apparently still used for
personal names and place names in RoK.These are all at
My templates.
For trying to work out which codepoints are in a file I use get_codepoints,
and for separating a TTC into TTF files I now use my adaptation of getfonts.
These, both individual files and tarballs, are in
Programs to compile (Last tested with gcc-14.1).
There are various XeLaTeX files in lipsum.tex but many are old and might not
compile with recent TeXLive. For monospace and one language where I lack
XeLaTeX source there are old LibreOffice Writer files which I used to create
PDFs, at lipsum.odt.
The XeLaTeX source files for the revised PDF Substitutes files are at
If you have not read H2G2 you might need to read hitchhikers fandom
to understand that when I say I hope this does not turn into
'go stick your head in a pig'
I am not being insulting, just remembering plans do not always succeed.