An Exploration of libre TTF and OTF fonts

If revisiting, quick links to The table of fonts and Changelog


I am not a typographer, but I've long had an interest in getting good-looking desktop
fonts on my Linux desktops, with coverage of everything I'm likely to look at - that
nowadays mostly includes text in variants of the Latin alphabet, with some pages in
Cyrillic alphabets and occasional Greek pages. It also covers fonts, preferably
monospaced, for posts on mailing lists. Those posts often include some CJK glyphs.

Despite how many of my posts have included odd misspellings, I usually do know
how to spell - but my typing is often poor, with lots of typos (and I find them very
hard to spot), so I have called this domain typosetting.

A history of how this has evolved, including my use of TeXLive, and my current
thoughts on how I try to style the files showing coverage of languages, is at
History of my explorations

The (consolidated) table of fonts is at The table of fonts

I first started this exercise in about 2011. I have now revised some of the fonts and
corrected various errors in my presentation, but that is an ongoing process. I am
reluctant to revisit those fonts for non-Latin/Cyrillic/Greek languages so those old
documents are likely to contain typos and may lack capitalisation of proper nouns.
However, I hope to eventually get all CJK fonts revised.

My aim is to provide details of libre fonts, using PDFs to show the glyphs in each font
and to give examples of languages I think the font supports. Where a font provides
small capitals I attempt to show those for the languages I use in the examples, and to
note any problems with them. AFAICS, unless they are in a separate file it is not possible
to use small caps except from LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX (libreoffice might simulate them).
Therefore I ignore them in monospace fonts except for the separate caps font of
Latin Modern Mono.

I only look at pre-built fonts: fonts offered as sources use various different tools. When
last I looked at Cantarell from Gnome (it appears to be a fork of the original font but
retaining the same name) it was only available as source. I have now looked at version
0.303 which contains a prebuilt font, but that is a variable font and I have no means of
discovering what it contains, nor of using it in XeLaTeX.

I also offer XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX files from which I created PDFs in the hope that they
might occasionally be instructive for other XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX users. The PDFs for
contents ('Glyphs') and some of the lipsum PDFs were created in Libreoffice.

Now that I am starting to use LuaLaTeX for new and revised languages files, the
previous versions using XeLaTeX are available at old-xelatex.html.

Links within this site



Files of dummy text to compare fonts: The PDF-lipsum directory has various PDFs
trying to compare the output from different fonts. Much of the output is very old,
I was in the process of updating fonts covering Latin alphabets but got diverted to
preparing this new website and revising the details.

XeLaTeX files I used to create lipsum PDFs: Some are from before 2024 and have
the same issues as my other old XeLaTeX files, other very old lipsum files were
created in LibreOffice.

Files for comparing CJK fonts :

Over the last year I have read far too much about experiments which could not be
replicated. So, for anyone who wants to access the files I used, including those who
merely wish to gain an overview of how I address certain issues in using some of the
fonts (typically, related to XeLaTeX or polyglossia), I am putting source files for my
tools to determine what is in a font (usage is summarised in My current process),
my templates to start identifying which languages a font supports, and the source I
have for how I created the lipsum and substitutes files are all linked from
Links to my tools and source.

My download links

Notes about my languages files
In particular some comments about which languages I show, and why.

Substitute fonts for the main Latin fonts: In the beginning, websites often preferred a
specific font such as Helvetica or Times New Roman. Some files from fontconfig have
rules to choose various alternatives. Examples are in that link and now updated for
fonts available in 2024. There are also substitutes for MS Calibri and Cambria which
might be expected to be used for school work.

You might need to tune fontconfig to pick up the alternative you prefer, see BLFS
and look at the "Current Development" links (at the moment, the Sysv book is listed
first, with a separate entry for the Systemd book further down the page). Choose
one of those books and look for the Tuning Fontconfig page (should be the same in
both books), currently near the end of chapter 24 Graphical Environments.

The table of fonts

When I first revised this in 2011 I put all the fonts in one table, and the numbers are
referenced in various Lipsum and similar files. In 2018 I added a lot more fonts, and
put them in a second table to save renumbering things. Both those tables are mostly
in alphabetical order by the fontconfig names. More recently I have found other fonts,
and added them to a third table as I came across them. I have now merged all three
tables into one while trying to update to current HTML and CSS standards. To help
finding a font in this table I have now added indexes, both for the names used in
fontconfig, and for my (one-word or hyphenated) identifiers used in the filenames.


Index of fonts by Fontconfig name

Index of fonts by my Identifier

Most of the columns are, I hope, self-explanatory.
The 'Revised' column links to a XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX source file with the date when
I revised the 'languages' PDF (before 2025-01-26 XeLaTeX, then LuaLaTeX). It also
links to my small caps sc.tex files where those exist. Many of my files revised before
2024 exaggerate which codepoints or languages are available.)
The 'Languages' links are to PDFs showing which of my example languages are
supported, and also to files of SC (Small Caps) support where the font has those.
The PDFs revised since 2025-01-26 use the full page so many not be printable.
The Bold column indicates that at least one darker weight also exists.
The Italic column indicates an Italic or a Slant style exists.
The Package column provides links to where to download a (perhaps later) version
of the font: Many fonts lack version numbers: for those I note the fontfile date or
commit date if downloaded from a git site.
Codepoints links to plain text files of what is in the font.
Coverage reports the codepoints within their Unicode blocks.

This table is very wide, you can scroll across but ideally use a wider window.
The identification numbers are repeated at the end of each line.

No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.001 Aerial Mono AerialMono 2024/07/30
Monospace Sans AerialMono.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes fonts-arkpandora_2.04 from Debian Bitstream Vera codepts covrg. 1.001
1.002 Aerial Aerial 2024/07/30
Neo-Grotesque Sans Aerial.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes fonts-arkpandora_2.04 from Debian Bitstream Vera codepts covrg. 1.002
1.003 Andika Andika 2024/08/02
Humanist Sans Andika-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Andika from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.003
1.004 Arimo Arimo 2024/08/02
Neo-Grotesque Sans Arimo-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Arimo dated 2023-03-05 from Google Apache codepts covrg. 1.004
1.005 AR PL KaitiM Big5 bkai00mp 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Serif (Kai) bkai00mp.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.005
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.006 AR PL KaitiM GB gkai00mp 2024/10/26
Simplified Chinese Serif (Kai) gkai00mp.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-gkai00mp_2.11 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.006
1.007 AR PL Mingti2L Big5 bsmi00lp 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung) bsmi00lp.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp-2.10 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.007
1.008 AR PL New Sung fireflysung 2024/09/23
Simplified Chinese Serif (Sung) fireflysung.ttf Glyphs Langs fireflysung-1.3.0 from BLFS mirror at osuosl Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.008
1.009 AR PL SungtiL GB gbsn00lp 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Sung) gbsn00lp.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp_2.11 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.009
1.010 AR PL UKai CN UKaiCN 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Kai) part of ukai.ttc Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-ukai-0.2-20080216.2 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.010
No. fontconfig identifier type filename contents languages bold italic package license codepoints coverage
1.011 AR PL UKai HK UKaiHK 2024/12/15
Cantonese Serif (Kai) for Hong Kong part of ukai.ttc Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-ukai-0.2-20080216.2 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.011
1.012 AR PL UKai TW (also TW MBE) UKaiTW, UKaiTWMBE 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Serif (Kai), the MBE has different bopomofo glyphs part of ukai.ttc Glyphs MBE Langs fonts-arphic-ukai-0.2-20080216.2 from Debian Arphic PL codepts MBE covrg. MBE 1.012
1.013 AR PL UMing CN UMingCN 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Song) part of uming.ttc Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-uming-0.2-20080216.2 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.013
1.014 AR PL UMing HK UMingHK 2024/12/15
Cantonese Serif (Sung) for Hong Kong part of uming.ttc Glyphs Langs fonts-arphic-uming-0.2-20080216.2 from Debian Arphic PL codepts covrg. 1.014
1.015 AR PL UMing TW (also TW MBE) UMingTW, UMingTWMBE 2024/12/15
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung), the MBE has different bopomofo glyphs part of uming.ttc Glyphs MBE Langs fonts-arphic-uming-0.2-20080216.2 from Debian Arphic PL codepts MBE covrg. MBE 1.015
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.016 Baekmuk Batang Baekmuk-Batang 2025/01/28
Korean Serif batang.ttf Glyphs Langs baekmuk-ttf-2.2.1 from CTAN Baekmuk codepts covrg. 1.016
1.017 Baekmuk Dotum Baekmuk-Dotum 2025/01/28
Korean Sans dotum.ttf Glyphs Langs baekmuk-ttf-2.2.1 from CTAN Baekmuk codepts covrg. 1.017
1.018 Baekmuk Gulim Baekmuk-Gulim 2025/01/28
Korean Sans gulim.ttf Glyphs Langs baekmuk-ttf-2.2.1 from CTAN Baekmuk codepts covrg. 1.018
1.019 Bandal Bandal 2016/05/30
Korean Sans Bandal.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-alee_13.1 from Debian Artistic License codepts covrg. 1.019
1.020 Bangwool Bangwool 2016/05/30
Korean Sans Bangwool.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-alee_13.1 from Debian Artistic License codepts covrg. 1.020
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.021 Cantarell Cantarell 2024/07/29
Humanist Sans Cantarell-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Cantarell from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.021
1.022 Charis SIL CharisSIL 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif CharisSIL-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes From Google dated 2023-04-27 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.022
1.023 Cousine Cousine 2024/08/02
Monospace Sans Cousine-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Cousine from Google Apache codepts covrg. 1.023
1.024 DejaVu Sans DejaVuSans 2024/08/02
Humanist Sans DejaVuSans.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37 from DejaVu Bitstream Vera and Public Domain codepts covrg. 1.024
1.025 DejaVu Sans Mono DejaVuSansMono 2024/08/02
Monospace Sans DejaVuSansMono.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37 from DejaVu Bitstream Vera and Public Domain codepts covrg. 1.025
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.026 DejaVu Serif DejaVuSerif 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif DejaVuSerif.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37 from DejaVu Bitstream Vera and Public Domain codepts covrg. 1.026
1.027 Doulos SIL DoulosSIL 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif DoulosSIL-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes DoulosSIL-6.200 from Fonts SIL SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.027
1.028 Droid Sans Fallback DroidSansFallback 2024/11/02
CJK Sans / Humanist Sans Droid-Sans-Fallback.ttf Glyphs Langs Apache codepts covrg. 1.028
1.029 FandolHei FandolHei 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Sans FandolHei-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes fandol v0.3 from CTAN GPL codepts covrg. 1.029
1.030 FandolSong FandolSong 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Sung) FandolSong-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes fandol v0.3 from CTAN GPL codepts covrg. 1.030
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.031 FreeFarsi FreeFarsi 2016/05/16
Arabic Serif (Persian) FreeFarsi.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-freefarsi_1.0.0~beta1 from Debian GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.031
1.032 FreeFarsi Monospace FreeFarsi-Mono 2016/05/16
Arabic Monospace (Persian) FreeFarsi-Mono.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-freefarsi_1.0.0~beta1 from Debian GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.032
1.033 FreeMono FreeMono 2024/08/02
Monospace Serif FreeMono.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes freefont-otf-20120503 from GNU GPL V3 codepts covrg. 1.033
1.034 FreeSans FreeSans 2024/08/02
Neo-Grotesque Sans FreeSans.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes freefont-otf-20120503 from GNU GPL V3 codepts covrg. 1.034
1.035 FreeSerif FreeSerif 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif FreeSerif.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes freefont-otf-20120503 from GNU GPL V3 codepts covrg. 1.035
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.036 Gentium Plus GentiumPlus 2024/08/02
Old-Style Serif GentiumPlus-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Lang
yes yes From Google dated 2023-04-27 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.036
1.037 Guseul Guseul 2016/07/27
Korean Sans Guseul.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-alee_13.1 from Debian Artistic License codepts covrg. 1.037
1.038 Hanazono Mincho A HanaMinA 2024/10/29
Japanese Serif HanaMinA.otf Glyphs Langs HanaMin v8.030 from github Hanazono Font License SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.038
1.039 Hanazono Mincho B HanaMinB 2024/09/15 Japanese Serif HanaMinB.otf Glyphs N/A, contains extra codepoints HanaMin v8.030 from github Hanazono Font License SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.039
1.040 Harmattan Harmattan 2016/06/03
Arabic Sans (West Africa) Harmattan-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs Harmattan-Regular_1.001 from Fonts SIL SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.040
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.041 Homa homa 2016/07/27
Arabic Sans (Persian) homa.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-farsiweb_0.4 from Debian GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.041
1.042 IBM 3270 3270 2024/07/30
Monospace Sans 3270-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs 3270font from github MIT-style codepts covrg. 1.042
1.043 Inconsolata Inconsolata 2024/07/25
Monospace Inconsolata-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes Inconsolata dated 2022-09-22 from Google SIL OFL v1.0 codepts covrg. 1.043
1.044 IPAexGothic ipaexg 2024/11/02
Japanese Sans ipaexg.ttf Glyphs Langs IPAexfont00401 from CTAN IPA Font License codepts covrg. 1.044
1.045 IPAexMincho ipaexm 2024/11/02
Japanese Serif ipaexm.ttf Glyphs Langs IPAexfont00401 from CTAN IPA Font License codepts covrg. 1.045
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.046 KacstOne KacstOne 2016/08/02
Arabic Serif (Kacst) KacstOne.ttf Glyphs Langs kacst_one-5.0 from sourceforge GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.046
1.047 Kochi Gothic kochi-gothic-subst 2024/10/30
Japanese Sans kochi-gothic-subst.ttf Glyphs Langs kochi-substitute-20030809 from Wadalab codepts covrg. 1.047
1.048 Kochi Mincho kochi-mincho-subst 2024/10/30
Japanese Serif kochi-mincho-subst.ttf Glyphs Langs kochi-substitute-20030809 from Wadalab codepts covrg. 1.048
1.049 Lateef Lateef 2016/08/02
Arabic Serif (South Asian) LateefRegOT.ttf Glyphs Langs LateefRegOT_1.001 from Fonts SIL SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.049
1.050 Liberation Mono LiberationMono 2024/08/02
Monospace Sans LiberationMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes liberation-fonts-ttf-2.1.5 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.050
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.051 Liberation Sans LiberationSans 2024/08/02
Neo-Grotesque Sans LiberationSans-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes liberation-fonts-ttf-2.1.5 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.051
1.052 Liberation Serif LiberationSerif 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes liberation-fonts-ttf-2.1.5 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.052
1.053 Libertinus Serif LibertinusSerif 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif Libertinus-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Lang
yes yes Libertinus-7.040 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.053
1.054 Libertinus Mono LibertinusMono 2024/07/26
Monospace Serif LibertinusMono.otf Glyphs Langs Libertinus-7.040 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.054
1.055 Lohit Assamese Lohit-Assamese 2016/06/22
Assamese Lohit-Assamese.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.055
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.056 Lohit Bengali Lohit-Bengali 2016/06/22
Bengali Lohit-Bengali.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.056
1.057 Lohit Devanagari Lohit-Devanagari 2016/06/22
Devanagari Lohit-Devanagari.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.057
1.058 Lohit Gujarati Lohit-Gujarati 2016/06/22
Gujarati Lohit-Gujarati.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.058
1.059 Lohit Kannada Lohit-Kannada 2016/06/22
Kannada Lohit-Kannada.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.059
1.060 Lohit Malayalam Lohit-Malayalam 2016/06/22
Malayalam Lohit-Malayalam.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.060
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.061 Lohit Marathi Lohit-Marathi 2016/06/22
Marathi Lohit-Marathi.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.061
1.062 Lohit Oriya Lohit-Oriya 2016/06/23
Oriya Lohit-Oriya.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.062
1.063 Lohit Punjabi Lohit-Punjabi 2016/06/23
Gurmukhi Lohit-Punjabi.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.063
1.064 Lohit Tamil Lohit-Tamil 2016/07/29
Tamil Lohit-Tamil.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.064
1.065 Lohit Telugu Lohit-Telugu 2016/07/14
Telugu Lohit-Telugu.ttf Glyphs Langs lohit-ttf-20140220 from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.065
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.066 Luxi Mono luximr 2024/07/27
Monospace Serif luximr.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes font-bh-ttf-1.0.4 from Xorg Bigelow & Holmes codepts covrg. 1.066
1.067 Luxi Serif luxirr 2024/07/27
Transitional Serif luxirr.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes font-bh-ttf-1.0.4 from Xorg Bigelow & Holmes codepts covrg. 1.067
1.068 Luxi Sans luxisr 2024/07/27
Humanist Sans luxisr.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes font-bh-ttf-1.0.4 from Xorg Bigelow & Holmes codepts covrg. 1.068
1.069 NanumGothic NanumGothic 2025/02/01
Korean Sans NanumGothic.ttf Glyphs Langs yes NanumGothic dated 2024-11-20 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.069
1.070 NanumMyeongjo NanumMyeongjo 2025/02/01
Korean Serif NanumMyeongjo.ttf Glyphs Langs yes NanumMyeongjo dated 2024-12-04 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.070
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.071 Nazli nazli 2016/06/22
Arabic Serif (Persian) nazli.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-farsiweb_0.4 from Debian GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.071
1.072 Noto Emoji NotoEmoji (2016/06/22) Emoji NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf Glyphs N/A, only emojis from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.072
1.073 Noto Kufi Arabic NotoKufiArabic 2016/08/02
Arabic Serif (Urdu) NotoKufiArabic-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.073
1.074 Noto Naskh Arabic NotoNaskhArabic 2016/08/02
Arabic Serif NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.074
1.075 Noto Nastaliq Urdu NotoNastaliqUrdu 2016/08/02
Arabic Serif [Urdu] NotoNastaliqUrdu-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.075
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.076 Noto Sans NotoSans 2025/02/01
Humanist Sans NotoSans-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
yes yes Noto Sans dated 2024-12-04 from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.076
1.077 Noto Sans Armenian NotoSansArmenian 2016/07/17
Armenian (Sans) NotoSansArmenian-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.077
1.078 Noto Sans Bengali NotoSansBengali 2016/06/22
Bengali NotoSansBengali-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.078
1.079 Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal NotoSansCanadianAboriginal 2016/07/29
CanadianAboriginal NotoSansCanadianAboriginal-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.079
1.080 Noto Sans Cherokee NotoSansCherokee 2016/07/20
Cherokee NotoSansCherokee-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.080
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.081 Noto Sans CJK JP NotoSansCJKjp 2024/08/22
Japanese Sans NotoSansCJKjp-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2021-04-30 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.081
1.082 Noto Sans CJK KR NotoSansCJKkr 2025/02/08
Korean Sans NotoSansCJKkr-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2021-04-30 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.082
1.083 Noto Sans CJK SC NotoSansCJKsc 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Sans NotoSansCJKsc-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2021-04-30 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.083
1.084 Noto Sans CJK TC NotoSansCJKtc 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Sans NotoSansCJKtc-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2021-04-30 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.084
1.085 Noto Sans Devanagari NotoSansDevanagari 2016/06/27
Devanagari NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.085
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.086 Noto Sans Ethiopic NotoSansEthiopic 2016/07/20
Ethiopic NotoSansEthiopic-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.086
1.087 Noto Sans Georgian NotoSansGeorgian 2016/07/18
Georgian (Sans) NotoSansGeorgian-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.087
1.088 Noto Sans Gujarati NotoSansGujarati 2016/07/30
Gujarati NotoSansGujarati-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.088
1.089 Noto Sans Gurmukhi NotoSansGurmukhi 2016/06/30
Gurmukhi NotoSansGurmukhi-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.088
1.090 Noto Sans Hebrew NotoSansHebrew 2023/10/13
Hebrew NotoSansHebrew-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.090
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.091 Noto Sans Kannada NotoSansKannada 2016/06/30
Kannada NotoSansKannada-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.091
1.092 Noto Sans Khmer NotoSansKhmer 2016/07/30
Khmer (Sans) NotoSansKhmer-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 / codepts covrg. 1.092
1.093 Noto Sans Lao NotoSansLao 2016/07/18
Lao (Sans) NotoSansLao-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.093
1.094 Noto Sans Malayalam NotoSansMalayalam 2016/07/01
Malayalam NotoSansMalayalam-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.094
1.095 Noto Sans Mongolian NotoSansMongolian 2016/07/20
Mongolian Script NotoSansMongolian-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.095
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.096 Noto Sans Mono CJK JP NotoSansMonoCJKjp 2024/10/28
Monospace Japanese Sans NotoSansMonoCJKjp-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.096
1.097 Noto Sans Mono CJK KR NotoSansMonoCJKkr 2024/10/27
Monospace Korean Sans NotoSansMonoCJKkr-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.097
1.098 Noto Sans Mono CJK SC NotoSansMonoCJKsc 2024/10/28
Monospace Simplified Chinese Sans NotoSansMonoCJKsc-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.098
1.099 Noto Sans Mono CJK TC NotoSansMonoCJKtc 2024/11/26
Monospace Traditional Chinese Sans NotoSansMonoCJKtc-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.099
1.100 Noto Sans Myanmar NotoSansMyanmar 2016/07/01
Myanmar NotoSansMyanmar-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.100
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.101 Noto Sans Oriya NotoSansOriya 2016/07/01
Oriya NotoSansOriya-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.101
1.102 Noto Sans Sinhala NotoSansSinhala 2016/07/02
Sinhala NotoSansSinhala-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.102
1.103 Noto Sans Symbols NotoSansSymbols 2016/07/02
Symbols NotoSansSymbols-Regular.ttf Glyphs Currency Symbols. ifrom Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.103
1.104 Noto Sans Syriac Eastern NotoSansSyriacEastern 2016/07/31
Syriac NotoSansSyriacEastern-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.104
1.105 Noto Sans Tamil NotoSansTamil 2016/07/14
Tamil NotoSansTamil-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.105
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.106 Noto Sans Telugu NotoSansTelugu 2016/07/14
Telugu NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.106
1.107 Noto Sans Thaana NotoSansThaana 2016/07/14
Thaana NotoSansThaana-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.107
1.108 Noto Sans Thai NotoSansThai 2016/07/14
Thai (Sans) NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.108
1.109 Noto Sans Tibetan NotoSansTibetan 2016/07/14
Tibetan NotoSansTibetan-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.109
1.110 Noto Sans Tifinagh NotoSansTifinagh 2016/07/14
Tifinagh NotoSansTifinagh-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.110
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.111 Noto Sans Vai NotoSansVai 2016/07/14
Vai NotoSansVai-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.111
1.112 Noto Sans Yi NotoSansYi 2016/07/14
Yi NotoSansYi-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.112
1.113 Noto Serif NotoSerif 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif NotoSerif-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes From Noto dated 2023-05-31 SIL OFL v1.1 / codepts covrg. 1.113
1.114 Noto Serif Armenian NotoSerifArmenian 2016/07/17
Armenian (Serif) NotoSerifArmenian-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.114
1.115 Noto Serif Georgian NotoSerifGeorgian 2016/07/18
Georgian (Serif) NotoSerifGeorgian-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.115
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.116 Noto Serif Khmer NotoSerifKhmer 2016/07/18
Khmer (Serif) NotoSerifKhmer-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 / codepts covrg. 1.116
1.117 Noto Serif Lao NotoSerifLao 2016/07/31
Lao (Serif) NotoSerifLao-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.117
1.118 Noto Serif Thai NotoSerifThai 2016/07/20
Thai (Serif) NotoSerifThai-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.118
1.119 Oxygen Mono OxygenMono 2024/07/24
Monospace Sans OxygenMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs Oxygen Mono dated 2023-05-23 from Google SIL OFL v1,1 codepts covrg. 1.119
1.120 Oxygen Oxygen-Sans 2024/07/30
Humanist Sans Oxygen-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes Oxygen dated 2022-09-22 from Google SIL OFL v1,1 codepts covrg. 1.120
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.121 Padauk Book PadaukBook 2016/07/21
Myanmar Padauk-book.ttf Glyphs Langs Padauk-2.8 from Fonts SIL SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.121
1.122 Padauk Padauk 2016/07/21
Myanmar Padauk.ttf Glyphs Langs Padauk-2.8 from Fonts SIL SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.122
1.123 Sawarabi Gothic SawarabiGothic 2024/10/30
Japanese Sans SawarabiGothic-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-SawarabiGothic from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.123
1.124 Sawarabi Mincho SawarabiMincho 2024/10/10
Japanese Serif SawarabiMincho-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-SawarabiMincho from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.124
1.125 Scheherazade Scheherazade 2016/08/02
Arabic Serif (Persian) Scheherazade-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs Scheherazade-2.100 from Fonts SIL SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.125
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.126 Terminus (TTF) TerminusTTF 2024/08/01
Monospace Sans TerminusTTF-4.49.3.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Terminus-TTF-4.49.3 from Terminus TTF SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 1.126
1.127 Tinos Tinos 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif Tinos-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Tinos dated 2022-09-22 from Google Apache codepts covrg. 1.127
1.128 Tymes Tymes 2024/08/01
Transitional Serif Tymes.ttf Glyphs Langs yes fonts-arkpandora_2.04 from Debian Bitstream Vera codepts covrg. 1.128
1.129 Ubuntu Ubuntu 2024/08/01
Geometric Sans Ubuntu-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Ubuntu dated 2022-09-22 from Google Ubuntu Font License v1.0 codepts covrg. 1.129
1.130 Ubuntu Mono UbuntuMono 2024/08/01
Monospace Sans UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Ubuntu Mono dated 2022-09-22 from Google Ubuntu Font License v1.0 codepts covrg. 1.130
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.131 Ume Hy Gothic O5 ume-hgo5 2024/11/05
Japanese Sans ume-hgo5.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-horai-umefont_670 from Debian UmeFont license codepts covrg. 1.131
1.132 Ume Mincho ume-tmo3 2024/10/29
Japanese Serif ume-tmo3.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-horai-umefont_670 from Debian UmeFont license codepts covrg. 1.132
1.133 Ume UI Gothic ume-ugo4 2024/10/29
Japanese UI Sans ume-ugo4.ttf Glyphs Langs fonts-horai-umefont_670 from Debian UmeFont license codepts covrg. 1.133
1.134 UnBatang UnBatang 2025/02/04
Korean Serif UnBatang.ttf Glyphs Langs yes fonts-unfonts-core from github GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.134
1.135 UnDotum UnDotum 2025/02/05
Korean Sans UnDotum.ttf Glyphs Langs yes fonts-unfonts-core from github GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.135
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
1.136 UnGraphic UnGraphic 2025/02/06
Korean Sans UnGraphic.ttf Glyphs Langs yes fonts-unfonts-core from github GPL V2 codepts covrg. 1.136
1.137 Veranda Veranda 2024/08/01
Humanist Sans Veranda.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes fonts-arkpandora_2.04 from Debian Bitstream Vera codepts covrg. 1.137
1.138 VL Gothic VL-Gothic 2024/10/29
Japanese Sans VL-Gothic-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes VLGothic-20220612.tar.xz from osdn,net Two MIT-style licenses for different glyphs codepts covrg. 1.138
1.139 WenQuanYi Zen Hei WenQuanYiZenHei 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Sans / Humanist Sans from wqy-zenhei.ttc Glyphs Langs wqy-zenhei-0.9.45 from sourceforge GPL v2 codepts covrg. 1.139
1.140 WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono WenQuanYiZenHeiMono 2024/10/27
Monospace Simplified Chinese / Humanist Sans from wqy-zenhei.ttc Glyphs Langs wqy-zenhei-0.9.45 from sourceforge GPL v2 codepts covrg. 1.140
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.001 Accanthis ADF Std No3 AccanthisADFStdNo3 2024/07/30
Old-Style Serif AccanthisADFStdNo3-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Accanthis-Std-20101124 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.001
2.002 Alegreya Alegreya 2024/07/30
Old-Style Serif Alegreya-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes From Google dated 2023-03-21 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.002
2.003 Alegreya Sans AlegreyaSans 2024/07/30
Humanist Sans AlegreyaSans-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Alegreya Sans dated 2022-12-08 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.003
2.004 Antykwa Poltawskiego antpolt 2024/07/29
Modern Serif antpolt-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
yes yes ap1.101otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.004
2.005 AR PL New Kai odokai 2024/10/26
Simplified Chinese Serif (Kai) odokai.ttf Glyphs Langs opendesktop-fonts-1.4.2 from Arch Arphic PL codepts covrg. 2.005
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.006 AR PL New Sung odosung 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Sung) from odosung.ttc Glyphs Langs opendesktop-fonts-1.4.2 from Arch Arphic PL codepts covrg. 2.006
2.007 AR PL New Sung Mono odosungmono 2024/10/29
Monospace Simplified Chinese Serif (Sung) from odosung.ttc Glyphs Langs opendesktop-fonts-1.4.2 from Arch Arphic PL codepts covrg. 2.007
2.008 Baskervald ADF Std BaskervaldADFStd 2024/07/29
Transitional Serif BaskervaldADFStd.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Baskervald-Std-20150322 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.008
2.009 Berenis ADF Pro BerenisADFPro 2024/07/29
Modern Serif BerenisADFPro-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Berenis-Pro-20150322 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.008
2.010 Caladea Caladea 2024/07/29
Transitional Serif Caladea-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes crosextrafonts-20130214 from Chrome OS Apache codepts covrg. 2.010
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.011 Carlito Carlito 2024/07/29
Humanist Sans Carlito-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920 from Chrome OS SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.011
2.012 Droid Sans Mono DroidSansMono 2024/07/28
Monospace Sans DroidSansMono.ttf Glyphs Langs Droid Sans Mono from 1001fonts Apache codepts covrg. 2.012
2.013 EB Garamond EBGaramond 2024/08/24
Old-Style Serif EBGaramond08-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes EBGaramond-0.16 from Georg Duffner SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.013
2.014 Fanwood Text FanwoodText 2024/07/28
Old-Style Serif Fanwood_Text.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes fanwood-master from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.014
2.015 Gelasio Gelasio 2024/07/25
Transitional Serif Gelasio-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes gelasio from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.015
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.016 Gillius ADF No2 GilliusADFNo2 2024/07/25
Humanist Sans GilliusADFNo2-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Gillius-Collection-20110312 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.016
2.017 Goudy Bookletter 1911 GoudyBookletter1911 2024/07/25
Old-Style Serif GoudyBookletter1911.otf Glyphs Langs goudy-bookletter-1911-master from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.017
2.018 IM FELL English IMFeENrm28P 2024/07/25
Old-Style Serif IMFeENrm28P.ttf Glyphs Langs yes IM Fell English from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.018
2.019 Junicode Junicode 2024/08/30
Old-Style Serif Junicode.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes Junicode-2.004 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.019
2.020 Latin Modern Mono lmmono 2024/07/26
Monospace Serif lmmono10-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes lm2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.020
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.021 Latin Modern Roman lmroman 2024/07/27
Modern Serif lmroman10-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes lm2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.021
2.022 Latin Modern Sans lmsans 2024/07/27
Grotesque Sans lmsans10-regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes lm2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.022
2.023 Lato Lato 2024/07/25
Humanist Sans Lato-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Lato2OFL from Latofonts SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.023
2.024 Libre Baskerville LibreBaskerville 2024/07/26
Transitional Serif LibreBaskerville-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes libre-baskerville dated 2022-09-22 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.024
2.025 Libre Bodoni LibreBodoni 2024/07/26
Modern Serif LibreBodoni-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes libre-bodoni dated 2023-03-21 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.025
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.026 Linden Hill LindenHill 2024/08/24
Old-Style Serif Linden Hill.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes linden-hill-master from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.026
2.027 Merriweather Merriweather 2024/07/27
Transitional Serif Merriweather-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Merriweather dated 2022-09-22 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.027
2.028 Merriweather Sans MerriweatherSans 2024/07/27
Neo-Grotesque Sans MerriweatherSans-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Merriweather_Sans dated 2023-04-27 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.028
2.029 NeoGothis ADF Std NeoGothisADFStd 2024/07/28
Geometric Sans NeoGothisADFStd-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes NeoGothis-Std-20150405 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.029
2.030 Nimbus Mono NimbusMono 2024/07/28
Monospace Serif NimbusMono-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes nimbus-mono from 1001fonts GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.030
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.031 Nimbus Roman No9 L NimbusRomNo9L 2024/07/28
Transitional Serif NimbusRomNo9L-Reg.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes nimbus-roman-no9-l from fontsquirrel GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.031
2.032 Nimbus Sans L
NimbusSanL 2024/08/15
Neo-Grotesque Sans NimbusSanL-Reg.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes nimbus-sans-l from fontsquirrel GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.032
2.033 OFL Sorts Mill Goudy OFLGoudyStM 2024/07/28
Old-Style Serif OFLGoudyStM.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes sorts-mill-goudy-master from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.033
2.034 Old Standard OldStandard 2024/07/24
Modern Serif OldStandard-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes old-standard from SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.034
2.035 Open Sans OpenSans 2024/07/24
Humanist Sans OpenSans-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes Open_Sans from Google Apache codepts covrg. 2.035
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.036 Prociono Prociono 2024/07/30
Old-Style Serif Prociono.otf Glyphs Langs prociono-master from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.036
2.037 PT Mono PTMono 2024/07/30
Monospace, mixed sans/serif PTMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs PT Mono dated 2022-09-22 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.037
2.038 PT Sans PTSans 2024/07/30
Humanist Sans PTSans-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes PT Sans dated 2022-09-22 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.038
2.039 PT Serif PTSerif 2024/07/30
Transitional Serif PTSerif-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes PT Serif dated 2023-05-03 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.039
2.040 Roboto Roboto 2024/07/30
Neo-Grotesque Sans Roboto-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Roboto dated 2022-09-22 from Google Apache codepts covrg. 2.040
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.041 Romande ADF Std RomandeADFStd 2024/07/30
Old-Style Serif RomandeADFStd-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Romande-Collection-20110730 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.041
2.042 Source Code Pro SourceCodePro 2024/07/31
Monospace Sans SourceCodePro-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes source-code-pro 2.042R-u_1.062R-i from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.042
2.043 Source Sans 3 SourceSans3 2024/08/02
Grotesque Sans SourceSans3-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Source Sans 3 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.043
2.044 Source Serif 4 SourceSerif4 2024/07/31
Transitional Serif SourceSerif4-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes Source_Serif_4 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.044
2.045 TeX Gyre Adventor texgyreadventor 2024/07/31
Geometric Sans texgyreadventor-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes qag2.003otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.045
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.046 TeX Gyre Bonum texgyrebonum 2024/07/31
Transitional Serif texgyrebonum-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes qbk2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.046
2.047 TeX Gyre Cursor texgyrecursor 2024/08/01
Monospace Serif texgyrecursor-regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes qcr2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.047
2.048 TeX Gyre Heros texgyreheros 2024/07/31
Neo-Grotesque Sans texgyreheros-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes qhy2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.048
2.049 TeX Gyre Pagella texgyrepagella 2024/07/31
Old-Style Serif texgyrepagella-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes qpl2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.049
2.050 TeX Gyre Schola texgyreschola 2024/07/31
Modern Serif texgyreschola-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes qcs2.005otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.050
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
2.051 TeX Gyre Termes texgyretermes 2024/07/21
Transitional Serif texgyretermes-regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes qtm2.004otf from GUST GUST codepts covrg. 2.051
2.052 Tribun ADF Std TribunADFStd 2024/08/01
Transitional Serif TribunADFStd-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Tribun-Std-20120228 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.052
2.053 Universalis ADF Std UniversalisADFStd 2024/08/01
Geometric Sans UniversalisADFStd-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes Universalis-Std-20110904 from Arkandis GPL v2 codepts covrg. 2.053
2.054 Vollkorn Vollkorn 2024/08/01
Transitional Serif Vollkorn-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes From Google dated 2023-09-14 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 2.054
3.001 FandolKai FandolKai 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Kai) FandolKai-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs fandol v0.3 from CTAN GPL codepts covrg. 3.001
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.002 Public Sans PublicSans 2024/07/30
Neo-grotesque Sans PublicSans-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs Yes Yes Public Sans v2.001 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.002
3.003 Noto Sans Mono NotoSansMono 2024/08/02
Monospace Sans NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf dated 2023-05-24 from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.003
3.004 Hack Hack 2024/07/25
Monospace Sans Hack-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs Yes Yes Hack-v3.003-ttf from github Bitstream Vera, MIT. Public Domain codepts covrg. 3.004
3.005 JetBrains Mono JetBrainsMono 2024/07/25
Monospace Sans JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes JetBrainsMono-2.304 from Apache codepts covrg. 3.005
3.006 Libertinus Sans LibertinusSans 2024/08/02
NeoGrotesque Sans LibertinusSans-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Libertinus-7.040 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.006
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.007 Common Serif CommonSerif 2024/08/02
Transitional Serif CommonSerif-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes CommonSerif_v.1.028 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.007
3.008 Atkinson Hyperlegible AtkinsonHyperlegible 2024/07/29
Grotesque Sans AtkinsonHyperlegible-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes AtkinsonHyperlegible dated 2023-05-03 from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.008
3.009 Cascadia Code CascadiaCode 2024/07/29
Monospace Sans CascadiaCode-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes CascadiaCode-2111.01 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.009
3.010 Cascadia Mono CascadiaMono 2024/07/29
Monospace Sans CascadiaMono-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes yes CascadiaMono-2111.01 from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.010
3.011 Go Mono Go-Mono 2024/07/25
Monospace Serif Go-Mono.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes GoMono.ttf 2.010 from github MIT Style codepts covrg. 3.011
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.012 Go Go 2024/07/25
Humanist Sans Go.ttf Glyphs Langs
SC Langs
yes yes Go-Regular.ttf 2.010 from github MIT Style codepts covrg. 3.012
3.013 Intel One Mono IntelOneMono 2024/07/25
Monospace, aiming for legibility IntelOneMono-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes ttf v1.3.0 from github MIT Style codepts covrg. 3.013
3.014 OpenDyslexic OpenDyslexic 2024/08/02
Sans, to assist those with dyslexia OpenDyslexic-Regular.ttf Glyphs Langs yes yes opendyslexic-0.910.12-rc2-2019.10.17 from opendyslexic Bitstream Vera codepts covrg. 3.014
3.015 Noto Serif CJK SC NotoSerifCJKsc 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (Sung) NotoSerifCJKsc-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2023-08-17 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.015
3.016 Noto Serif CJK JP NotoSerifCJKjp 2024/08/22
Japanese Serif NotoSerifCJKjp-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2023-08-17 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.016
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.017 Noto Serif CJK KR NotoSerifCJKkr 2025/02/08
Korean Serif NotoSerifCJKkr-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK v2.003 dated 2024-07-30 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.017
3.018 Noto Serif CJK TC NotoSerifCJKtc 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung) NotoSerifCJKtc-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2023-08-17 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.018
3.019 Noto Serif CJK HK NotoSerifCJKhk 2024/08/22
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung) for Hong Kong NotoSerifCJKhk-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2023-08-17 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.019
3.020 Noto Sans CJK HK NotoSansCJKhk 2024/08/22
Traditional Chinese Sans for Hong Kong NotoSansCJKhk-Medium.otf Glyphs Langs yes From NotoCJK dated 2021-04-30 SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.020
3.021 FandolFang FandolFang 2024/10/27
Simplified Chinese Serif (FangSong or Imitation Song) FandolFang-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs fandol v0.3 from CTAN GPL codepts covrg. 3.021
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.022 Hanazono Mincho C HanaMinC 2024/09/15 Japanese Serif HanaMinC.otf Glyphs N/A, contains extra codepoints HanaMin v8.030 from github Hanazono Font License SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.022
3.023 IPAMincho ipam 2024/11/02
Japanese Serif ipam.ttf Glyphs Langs Included with IPAexfont00401 from CTAN IPA Font License codepts covrg. 3.023
3.024 Shippori Mincho ShipporiMincho 2024/11/05
Japanese Serif ShipporiMinchoi-Medium.ttf Glyphs Langs yes ShipporiMincho from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.024
3.025 Zen Kaku Gothic New ZenKakuGothicNew 2024/11/02
Japanese Sans ZenKakuGothicNew-Medium.ttf Glyphs Langs yes ZenKakuGothicNew from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.025
3.026 Zen Old Mincho ZenOldMincho 2024/11/02
Japanese Serif ZenOldMincho-SemiBold.ttf Glyphs Langs yes ZenOldMincho from Google SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.026
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.027 GenYoMin2 TC GenYoMin2TC 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung) GenYoMin2TC-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes butTaiwan/genyo-font from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.027
3.028 GenYoMin2 TW GenYoMin2TW 2024/11/26
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung) GenYoMin2TW-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes butTaiwan/genyo-font from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.028
3.029 HanWangHeiLight HanWangHeiLight 2024/11/16
Traditional Chinese Sans Wang han zong Slim boldface Font-Traditional Chinese.ttf Glyphs Langs From chinese-font-design/wang-han-zong GPL codepts covrg. 3.029
3.030 HanWangWCL02 HanWangWCL02 2024/11/17
Traditional Chinese Serif (Sung|Ming) Wang han zong Te Ming Standard Font-Traditional Chinese.ttf Glyphs Langs From chinese-font-design/wang-han-zong GPL codepts covrg. 3.030
3.031 HanWangWCL06 HanWangWCL06 2024/11/17
Traditional Chinese Serif (Imitation Song) Wang han zong Imitation Song typeface Standard Font-Traditional Chinese.ttf Glyphs Langs From chinese-font-design/wang-han-zong GPL codepts covrg. 3.031
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.032 GenYoGothic2 TC GenYoGothic2TC 2024/11/25
Traditional Chinese Sans GenYoGothic2TC-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes butTaiwan/genyog-font from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.032
3.033 GenYoGothic2 TW GenYoGothic2TW 2024/11/25
Traditional Chinese Sans GenYoGothic2TW-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes butTaiwan/genyog-font from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.033
3.034 Chiron Hei HK ChironHeiHK 2024/12/15
Cantonese Sans for Hong Kong ChironHeiHK-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes chiron-fonts/chiron-hei-hk from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.034
3.035 Chiron Hei HK Text ChironHeiHK-Text 2024/12/15
Cantonese Sans for Hong Kong ChironHeiHK-Text-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes chiron-fonts/chiron-hei-hk from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.035
3.036 Chiron Sung HK ChironSungHK 2024/12/15
Cantonese Serif (Sung) for Hong Kong ChironSungHK-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes chiron-fonts/chiron-sung-hk from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.036
No. Fontconfig Identifier Revised Type Filename Glyphs Languages Bold Italic Package License Codepoints Coverage No.
3.037 Chiron Sung HK Text ChironSungHK-Text 2024/12/15
Cantonese Serif (Sung) for Hong Kong ChironSungHK-Text-M.otf Glyphs Langs yes chiron-fonts/chiron-sung-hk from github SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.037
3.038 Noto Sans Mono CJK HK NotoSansMonoCJKhk 2025/01/06
Monospace Cantonese for Hong Kong Sans Sans NotoSansMonoCJKhk-Regular.otf Glyphs Langs yes from Noto SIL OFL v1.1 codepts covrg. 3.038

Ken Moffat, 2016-2025. E&OE